吉嶋 法生
共同創業者 代表取締役

Norio Yoshijima, CEO and Co-founder


2015年、不動産・建築にかかわるアドバイザリー業務や投資を行う会社(メトロポリタン・ルネサンス (omrjapan.com))を設立。同社設立前は、米系投資銀行(メリルリンチ、モルガン・スタンレー)にて投資銀行業務に12年間従事。大手不動産会社の資金調達業務、経営戦略策定、M&Aや海外投資案件及び不動産投資ファンド組成等を担当。不動産投資ファンド事業を行うサムライ・キャピタル株式会社取締役常務執行役員、コリビング事業運営のHAUN株式会社(HAUN)代表取締役兼務。国内外の不動産会社や投資家に広範なネットワークを有する。東京大学大学院修了(工学博士、都市工学専攻)、京都大学工学部卒業(建築学科)

“Urban renaissance in the 21st century”, “cities as the most exciting playfield”, and “one-stop service from planning to finance”, with these three key themes, Norio Yoshijima leads a new real estate development business to create innovative investment opportunities, collaborating with various talents in architecture, design/art, music, entertainment, food and coffee, hotel operation etc.
He established a real estate development and investment advisory firm, Metropolitan Renaissance (www.omrjapan.com), in 2015. Prior to that, he worked for the investment banking division in Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch over 12 years with his primary responsibility including equity and debt financing, M&A advisory, and structured finance mainly for Japan’s major real estate companies and investment funds. Currently he also serves as Managing Director of Samurai Capital, an independent fund management firm, as well as CEO of HAUN Ltd. (HAUN), coliving development and operation business. Norio Yoshijima received a Ph. D in Urban Engineering from the University of Tokyo and a Master of Architectural Engineering from Kyoto University.

北澤 直
共同創業者 取締役

Nao Kitazawa, Co-founder

フィンテックとWeb 3.0が拡張する時代の中で場の在り方はどう変わるのか、地方と都市のライフスタイル、不動産やインキュベーションといった領域を横断したファイナンスの在り方、等、Mvibesのプラットフォームを使って様々な実験を試みます。

投資家、起業家、弁護士。元Coinbase株式会社 代表取締役(2018年-2023年)。2014年に株式会社お金のデザインの立ち上げにCOOとして参画。ロボアドバイザー「THEO」のローンチとビジネス拡大に携わる。一般社団法人Fintech協会の創立にも理事として3年間従事。2008年からモルガン・スタンレーに投資銀行員として6年間在籍し、それ以前はPaul Hastings法律事務所にて弁護士として6年間、日本とNYにて法律業務を手がける。著書に「誰がFinTechを制するのか」(単著)(KADOKAWA)、「ロボアドバイザーの資産運用革命」(共著)(きんざい)など。慶応義塾大学法学部卒業 ペンシルバニア大学大学院修了

Nao Kitazawa is a versatile professional with a diverse background in entrepreneurship, investing, and law. He was the former head of Coinbase Japan, where he led the company's efforts to expand its cryptocurrency exchange operations in Japan. Currently, he is a venture partner at Eight Roads, a global investment firm focused on technology and healthcare, and an outside board member at Kyash, a fintech company, and also holds an outside corporate auditor seat at AnyMind Group, an international technology company. Nao began his career as a lawyer at Paul Hastings, where he advised clients on various legal matters. He then worked as an investment banker at Morgan Stanley, advising clients on mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, and corporate restructuring. Prior to his role at Coinbase, Nao served as the COO of Money Design, a prominent fintech startup based in Tokyo. He was also a founding board member of the Fintech Association of Japan. He received his LL.M from the University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law and his Bachelor of Law from Keio University and is admitted to practice law both in Japan and in the state of New York.